Friday, November 4, 2016

L1 Trend Filtering

Author and guest post by Eren Ocakverdi.

Extracting the trend of a time series is an important analytical task as it simply depicts the underlying movement of the variable of interest. Had this so-called long term component known in advance, we would have been able to foresee its future course. In practice, however, there are several other factors (e.g. cycle, noise) in play that have influence on the dynamics of a time dependent variable.

Time path of a variable can either be deterministic (assuming the change in trend is constant) or stochastic (assuming the change in trend varies randomly around a constant). Estimation of a deterministic trend is straightforward, yet it often oversimplifies the data generating process. The assumption of stochastic trend seems to be a better fit to observed behavior of various time series as they tend to evolve with abrupt changes. Nevertheless, its estimation is difficult and can have serious implications due to accumulation of past errors.

Kim (2009) proposed l1 trend filtering method, which produces trend estimates that are piecewise linear. In this method, changes in slope of the estimated trend can also be interpreted as abrupt changes or events in the underlying dynamics of the time series in question.

EViews add-in "l1filter" implements the primal-dual interior point method1 outlined in Kim (2009). The add-in is designed to work in series object and can also be run from command line. In that respect, it is similar to “hpfilter1s” add-in. For details, please see the information in the documentation that comes with the add-in.

l1 trend filtering method can also be thought of as a segmented linear regression, where we fit a straight line on each segment. Note that this is different than the approach of breakpoint regression as the latter does not necessarily have consistent values at the join points.

The use of add-in is demonstrated below on a different data set than that of Kim (2009) in order to avoid slow computing time2. Instead, a low frequency macroeconomic time series data is chosen for the purpose: Monthly Industrial Production Index (2010=100) of Turkish Economy between January 1986 and August 20163.

Import the data into EViews4:
import .\tripi.xls range=mevsim_1986!$B$5:$N$37 byrow colhead=1 namepos=all na="#N/A" names=(, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016) @freq U 1 @smpl @all

Restructure the workfile:
pagestack num? @ *?  *
pagestruct(freq=m, start=1986, end=2016)

Get rid of unnecessary series:
delete id01 series01 var01 year

Change the name of dependent variable:

rename num ipitr_adj

Plot the series:

Estimate a deterministic trend:
equation ipitr_adj c @trend

Visualize the fit:

Estimate a stochastic trend (i.e. Hodrick-Prescott filter5):
freeze(graph_hp) ipitr_adj.hpf(lambda=14400) trend_hp

Estimate l1 trend:

Note that in addition to the penalty parameter the chart title also includes the maximum lambda value that would produce a straight line (i.e. affine fit) as well as the resulting status of iterations.
We can compare two estimated trends:
graph graph_comp.line trend_hp trend_l1
graph_comp.draw(shade, bottom) 2008m01 2010m12 'shade the period of interest

Please note the relatively smooth transition behavior of HP filter around the global financial crisis of 2008 and the V-shaped recovery pattern captured (more accurately) by l1 filter.
l1 trend is also more robust to end-point sensitivity:
smpl @first 2016m07 'drop the last observation
ipitr_adj.hpf(lambda=14400) trend_hpb
line trend_l1-trend_l1b trend_hp-trend-hpb
smpl @all

Another useful practical application of l1 filter is the identification of breakpoints (i.e. kink points) for a given time series as it has the ability to estimate piecewise linear trend, where the consecutive segments have consistent values at their join points. EViews already allows breakpoint estimation, which does not require such consistency when used in the identification of breaks for the time series of interest. Although Bai and Perron (2003) make some very useful and practical recommendations, deciding the number and type of breaks is still an art as much as a science. In this case, global maximization approaches seem to work better as they are able to identify important turning points more successfully (with a margin of error, of course) in the history of Turkish economy6:
equation eqbreak.breakls(method=globplus1,trim=5,size=1,heterr) ipitr_adj c @trend
string breaks = eqbreak.@breaks 'save the dates of breakpoints

Visualize the fit:


Save the fitted values: trend_break
We can compare the results from both analyses:
line trend_break trend_l1

l1 filtering is a useful tool for both trend estimation and breakpoint detection of a time series. Although the add-in can only be used for such purposes only, the interior-point method developed by authors can be extended to handle the problems in areas like; univariate time series decomposition, outlier detection, regularized least squares, multivariate time series analysis, etc.

Bai, J. and Perron, P. (2003). "Computation and Analysis of Multiple Structural Change Models", Journal of Applied Econometrics, v. 18, pp. 1–22.
Hodrick, R. J. and Prescott, E. C. (1997). "Postwar U.S. Business Cycles: An Empirical Investigation", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 29, pp. 1-16.

Kim, S-J., Koh, K., Boyd, S. and Gorinevsky, D.  (2009). "L1 Trend Filtering", SIAM Review, Vol. 51(2), pp. 339-360.

1 Please visit authors’ web page for details:
2 The original algorithm exploits the sparse matrix structure, which EViews does not have that functionality (yet).
3 Officially adjusted for calendar and seasonal effects:
4 You can download the data from:
5  In order to reflect the usual practice in macroeconomic time series modelling, default value of HP filter is preferred here (Hodrick and Prescott, 1997). In the original study, however, authors used the same lambda for both L1 and HP filters. Difference in the results would become much more pronounced if we did so.
6  Turkey experienced major economic crises of domestic nature in 1994 and 2001. Asian crisis hit Turkish economy during 1998 and not to mention the impact from global financial crisis of 2008. As of end-2010, Central Bank of Turkey announced a new (unconventional) monetary policy for the sake of financial stability and introduced the interest rate corridor framework from 2011 and onwards.

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