Monday, August 5, 2024

Seasonal Adjustment in EViews 14 – Calendar Variables and Lunar New Year

In our previous blog post we examined how JDemetra+ can be used to perform seasonal adjustment in EViews, producing results identical to (or at least extremely similar to) those given by the ubiquitous X-13 package from the US Census.

The previous post didn’t discuss one of the more popular features of seasonal adjustment; calendar adjustments. In this post we’ll rectify that by demonstrating how to use calendar adjustments in JDemetra+, as well as how to create your own calendar effects, should you wish to build upon the built-in features. In particular we’ll demonstrate adding a Lunar (Chinese) New Year variable for JDemetra+.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Seasonal Adjustment in EViews 14 – Comparing X-13 and JDemetra+

Seasonal Adjustment is a mainstay of modern macro-economic analysis. Many economic time series exhibit seasonal fluctuations that need to be removed from the underlying patterns of the data before econometric analysis can be performed. In this two-part series we'll use EViews 14 to compare JDemetra+ to X13 in Part 1 and look at how to use JDemetra+ with the Lunar New Year in Part 2.