Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Fan Chart

Fan charts are a method of visualizing a distribution of economic forecasts, pioneered by the Bank of England for their quarterly inflation forecasts.

We are often asked if EViews can produce fan charts. At its heart, a fan chart is simply a type of area band chart. EViews has been able to produce area band charts for a number of previous versions. So whenever we have been asked if EViews can produce fan charts, we have said “yes”.

Recently, we decided to go one step further and replicate an official Bank of England fan chart in EViews, and this blog post will document the steps required to perform the replication.

We have decided to replicate a recent inflation report fan chart, specifically the November 2015 inflation fan chart available from the Bank of England.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Add-in Round Up for 2016 Q1

In this section of the blog, we provide a summary of the Add-ins that have been released or updated within the previous few months, and we announce the winner of our “Add-in of the Quarter” prize!

As a reminder, EViews Add-ins are additions to the EViews interface or command language written by our users or the EViews Development Team and released to the public. You can install Add-ins to your EViews by using the Add-ins menu from within EViews, or by visiting our Add-ins webpage.

We have five new Add-ins within the last few months:
  2. SRVAR


The BFAVAR Add-in, written by Davaajargal Luvsannyam, estimates Factor Augmented Vector Auto Regression (FAVAR) models using the one-step Bayesian likelihood approach.